Member Notice Virginai Beach ParkingTo:    All Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Resident Members


Virginia Beach Marina recently completed the installation of new parking gates for the paid parking area. This system will go through testing during the week of June 20th to 24th and is expected to be fully operational by June 25th.  Parking passes are available for you at the Marina Gas Bar or the Island View Business Centre Office for a fee of $50.00 plus a $10.00 deposit fee, (Total $60 per card).  Names must be associated with every card.  There will be one card per person. You may also purchase an additional card for your spouse at the time of your purchase.  The application form will have to be completed in their name.  Each cardholder will be provided with a copy of the Rules and Regulations associated with the parking lot upon receipt of their card.


Regarding parking in the front lot of the business centre, please be advised that this is being designated as a two hour maximum parking area to be used for short term parking of the customers. This will be signed accordingly, once the parking lot is paved.  Paving will be completed when all signage and lighting fixtures are complete. Notices will be place on the vehicles that are in violation of this policy.


Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Should you have any questions, please contact Scott Jacobs at 705-513-2533 or Terry Crate at 905-955-4010.







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