Preserve Your Ash Trees

NOTICE of Emerald Ash Borer Confirmation GIFN 2019 Click on flyer to expand. For more information: Contact Heather Charles Forest Management/Species at Risk Coordinator Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (705)437-1337 extension 2242   Call or Text Chris Gynan […]

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Fixed Link Proposed 2019-2020 Workplans

What Needs to be Done, Who is Going to Do It? Saturday May 25, 2019 9:30am-2:15pm Georgina Island Community Centre You will have the opportunity to provide direct input to leadership on what technical team will help us through 2019-2020 […]

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Chippewas of Georgina Island Thanks to Trillium Foundation!

    A big thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation!   The Chippewas of Georgina Island would like to recognize and thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation for the Capital Grant we received in 2018 for the Buzzy Big Canoe Memorial […]

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