Community Services

Please call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Fire & Emergency Response

The Fire Station is located on the corner of Chief Joseph Snake Road and Hello Road. It is equipped with a Fort Gary pumper truck and an ambulance. Georgina Island First Nation employs two full-time firefighters and a team of fully trained volunteers to assist in the event of a fire.

Fire SignA trained volunteer First Response Team also responds to 911 emergencies.

Both teams are always looking for volunteers, so please contact the Fire Hall if you are a Georgina Island resident and are interested in joining.

Fire Chief/Administrator/Emergency First Responder Coordinator – Ian Big Canoe


The Georgina Island Police have been in existence since 1978 under the Ontario First Nation Policing program, which is administered by the OPP. We currently have three officers and one civilian employee. The Georgina Island Police provide general policing services to Georgina Island, Snake Island and Fox Island and emergency response on Lake Simcoe.

Georgina Island Police Station – 217 Bear Road

705-437-1078 – For administrative calls during regular business hours – Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm

705-437-2880 – Calls for service – sent to OPP communications centre to be dispatched to our officers

911 – Emergency calls – police – fire – ambulance


Animal Control By-Law 10-13
Animal Control By-Law 31-C-05 amending 10-03
 Reminder to Pet Owners July 2014